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You are welcome here! 

What's new out of Founder-land? I'm always up to something! 

Sometimes, a lot of the time, we need to be reminded or remind ourselves to step back from life and Just Breathe. Take a breath. Life flies by. It can be great. It can be overwhelming. No matter what, we have to slow it down from time to time and remember to simplify. Breathe. Just Breathe.


I love this song.

Just Breathe by Pearl Jam -
cover by Jason Kehl

The Story by Brandi Carlile -
cover by Jason Kehl

I've taken my mental health head on over the last five years. Five years ago was rough. Really rough. The journey. Tough. Really tough.


And so am I! I am here. I am alive and I am happy to be.

My wife is my rock. She gets me unlike anyone else. I can be me and anything else. She has stood right by my side through my battle with mental illness. At times I'm sure I appeared to not care about really anything. At times I talked really bad about myself. At times I was a hard person to live with I'm sure. At times I seemed very self absorbed.


She stood right there. That is a level of comfort, a safe place, that is always right there. Loving me even when I'm angry.


This song is for my wife. I love you.

One by U2 - cover by Jason Kehl

​A song I have loved since the first time I heard it many years ago. Your mental health matters. You matter. One love. One life.

So Damn Lucky by Dave Matthews Band -
cover by Jason Kehl

I play everything you hear. I find it to be an interesting and fun challenge to undertake. Recorded in my basement as this is a passion of mine, but also a hobby.

This tune reminds me of where I was 5 years ago this past Tuesday. I was drinking way heavy. My mental health was in darkness. It felt like what I can only describe as a mental health car wreck. So many had already gone on ahead of me and were right there, without hesitation, to pick me right back up. Unconditional love comes to mind. I am truly blessed. I know not everybody has such a support system and it adds a whole other element to the mental health car wreck. This song makes me want to celebrate more than focus on the car wreck. I've made it through. I am here. I couldn't have done it without the support net that bounced me right back up. I love you. My wife is my rock. Without her, I don't know where I might be. So Damn Lucky that you went on ahead....

Times Like These by Foo Fighters -
cover by Jason Kehl

Times Like These. These are our times like these. Right now. I know you may not be in a good place right now mentally. That is OK. Lean on someone man. These are your Times Like These and you deserve the best. Yes you do. You Matter right now as we share our time together on this earth breathing in the same oxygen our earth provides each and every one of us. The bad doesn't have to be permanent. The bad isn't permanent. The good hasn't left. It's just out of sight right now, but it wants you back. I absolutely love this song! So much truth and hope in this song. I had to sing it multiple times as it's one that can get me emotional thinking about where I have come from and where I am now. It's been a battle folks...

Check out more Music from me and others over on The Jams page!

Thank you for checking us out! You are welcome here. Everyone is welcome here. Please, feel free to check out the many different pages we have.


Many of them involve others sharing their stories and experiences utilizing the method of their choosing. I think you will find something you can relate with. I hope you find some level of hope and peace from what we have here.


Stay as long as you want and I am glad you are here! I am especially glad you are here with us on this Earth.

It is OK to not be OK. It is OK to need help. It is OK to ask for help. Sometimes we can't figure everything out on our own. It needs to be known that it is OK to ask for help. Asking for help has most definitely changed my life!

We Are Stronger Together!

Jason Kehl, Founder 💚💪😀













   A nonprofit mental health

  awareness website celebrating

  people and their experiences

  throughout life.


  Real People. Real Stories. Real Life.








You can hang out with me on many of the popular apps and other ways of listening. You can always cruise over to The Podcasts and listen as much as you want****

I'm tossing the script and I'm giving you

an even realer real me and all of my awesome

quirks that make Think more

of an outline approach which will provide a

lot of freedom in which to lay out the

message I intend to throw out there for each

episode. I plan on doing some good stuff for

your head while also helping mine out at the

same time. Real life, day to day, Mental

Health Awareness coming at you. Emotions


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Click The Image!

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Ben Jammin' RMH The Podcasts.png
Ben Jammin' Film Projecter (2).png

los blogs

Ben Jammin' Ross The Arts.png
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Ben Jammin The Books.png


Check out our Newest Podcast addition over on The Podcasts page: Stories of Healing - by Vincent E. Paul







Rocking Mental Health is a comfortable place for all of us to share our mental health and mental illness experiences. 


Expressed through the avenue of your choosing, whether it be Videos, Podcasts, Blogs, Music, Art, Books, and more, we are always looking to add new ideas. Let's spread mental health awareness together.

Interested in sharing your content? Send me a message! 

We would love to share your creativity!

Busting and Breaking Stigma!
Check out The Blogs

Estigma contra Ben Jammin'

Rat Tail

por Chad Sogas

Está bien no estar bien

Rat Tail explora la batalla del director Chad Sogas contra la depresión en este breve documental autobiográfico. Lo que comienza como una historia autocrítica sobre la cola de rata que tuvo durante casi diez años (que sus padres aún guardan en el trastero de su sótano) trasciende en un viaje inesperado de autodescubrimiento y sanación.

Mira más de lo que está haciendo Chad

Nuestra misión:

¿Qué es todo esto?

Creemos que el mundo necesita un impulso de salud mental. Necesitamos todo lo que podamos conseguir para ayudar a acabar con el estigma que rodea a la salud mental. Obtenemos la confianza de que está bien necesitar y buscar ayuda y, a su vez, ganamos la capacidad de vivir la mejor vida que podamos imaginarnos viviendo.

¡Está bien no estar bien!

¡Está bien pedir ayuda!

¡Usted no está solo!

You Matter!

Cada uno de nosotros está trabajando para mejorar nuestra salud mental. Nadie está exento. Si eres un ser humano en esta tierra, siempre estás trabajando para mejorar tu salud mental. Este sitio está destinado a ser un lugar para todos. Todos podemos dar algo. Todos podemos tomar algo. En su interior encontrará blogs, podcasts y más creados por personas como usted y yo. Todos hemos pasado por algo relacionado con nuestra salud mental. Todos tenemos una historia para compartir. Todos podemos tomar algo de las experiencias de los demás, buenas o malas. Mi objetivo es proporcionar un lugar donde siempre hay algo aquí que puede beneficiar a todos los que lo visitan y es creado por alguien similar a todos nosotros.


Por favor, eche un vistazo a todas las selecciones disponibles y espero que encuentre algo que pueda ser significativo para su vida y significativo para el crecimiento de su salud mental.

Thinking About Getting Help For An Addiction? Visit The Resources. We have an ever growing list of websites listed providing a variety of options and topics including Rehab Centers from all over the United States.

Rocking Mental Health:
Your Mental Health and Addiction Spot

Da el primer paso.
Un mundo completamente nuevo espera.

Get Mental Health Help
Mental Health Help Blogs
Creative Ways to Promote Mental Health

Dado a volar

Siempre he querido tratar de describir la canción de Pearl Jam Given To Fly con una pintura. Pues aquí está "Dados a Volar". Creado usando un bloc de arte digital (una herramienta que todavía estoy aprendiendo a usar).

Todos estamos Dados a Volar. Es posible que tomemos diferentes rutas para llegar allí, ¡pero sepa que está destinado a volar! A veces la ruta incluye algunos lugares oscuros. Ser paciente. Perseverar. Puedes llegar y lo lograrás y creo que esto es cierto para todos.


"¿Quién soy?" por Jason Kehl

Por favor considere donar

Who Am I? Jason Kehl
00:00 / 02:36

¿Quién soy? Esta es una pregunta con la que he estado lidiando desde el principio. Desde el momento en que pedí ayuda. Desde el momento en que decidí alcohol ya no me controlaría. Pensé que era algo cuando bebía. Pensé que sabía quién era ese algo, pero se perdió en la confusión de beber tanto como podía cada vez que bebía. Cuando quitas una gran parte de tu vida, ya sea negativa o positiva, se produce un redescubrimiento. Eres básicamente una persona nueva y lleva tiempo descubrir quiénes somos realmente. La pregunta de "¿Quién soy yo?" ha surgido muchas veces mientras trabajo para encontrar este nuevo yo. Siento que cada día me acerco más, y cada día averiguo más y más, y me gusta lo que veo delante de mí.

Únase a nosotros en nuestra misión de difundir la conciencia sobre la salud mental en todo el mundo. Su generosa donación se convierte directamente en apoyo y nos permite llegar a tantas personas como podamos. El mundo necesita saber que está bien no estar bien. Nadie debe sentirse solo en sus luchas. Gracias por ayudarnos a ampliar nuestro alcance. ¡Somos más fuertes juntos!

¡Difundamos juntos la conciencia sobre la salud mental!
Deje una donación única. 

¡Gracias por ayudarnos a marcar la diferencia!

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Rocking Mental Health NFP Inc. está reconocida por el IRS como una organización benéfica exenta de impuestos 501(c)(3).

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