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RMH The Art white letter vibrant red.png

Kuyamangaza ukuthi ucezu olulodwa lobuciko/izithombe lungasho izinto eziningi kangaka kubantu abaningi abahlukene. Ubuciko buyindlela enhle yokuxoxa indaba ikakhulukazi ekuxoxeni indaba yempilo yengqondo yomuntu noma uhambo. Ubuciko bubamba imizwa eminingi ehlukene!


Akukhona ukuthi into enhle noma embi kangakanani emehlweni omunye, kodwa ukuthi umsebenzi uyixoxa kanjani indaba.

Mental Health Awareness Blog

Ukuzola Phakathi Kwesiphepho Sami

Ibhalwe nguJason Kehl

Non-Profit Mental Health Organization
RMH The Art white letter vibrant red.png


Ibhalwe nguJason Kehl

RMH painted circle white letter vibrant red.png
Unmasking What Has Been Masked For Too Long.png

Ukuqaqa Okufihlwe Isikhathi Eside

Ibhalwe nguJason Kehl


I-Self Portrait

Ibhalwe nguJason Kehl

RMH painted circle white letter vibrant red.png

Ukukhiqizwa Kwamalitha Ayisithupha: Izithombe Nezithombe   ngu-Ian B. Cassidy

RMH The Art white letter vibrant red.png

I-Self Portrait

Ibhalwe ngu-Ian B. Cassidy

Mental Health Awareness Month

I-Self Portrait

Ibhalwe ngu-Ian B. Cassidy

RMH The Art white letter vibrant red.png

"Lezi ziyingxenye yochungechunge lwe-self portrait engisanda kulwenza lomuntu siqu futhi olubhekene kakhulu". -- Ian B. Cassidy

Hlola ezinye izinketho ezise- Ian's Photography at

Imikhiqizo Yemalitha Ayisithupha: Izithombe Nezithombe

RMH painted circle white letter vibrant red.png
helterskelter[50] - Charlotte Dooley.jpg
RMH painted circle white letter vibrant red.png


nguCharlotte Dooley

 "'I-Helter-Skelter' emele ukusonteka nokushintsha kwempilo okubekela inselele impilo yethu yengqondo. Isibhakabhaka esijikelezayo sibonisa imizwa". - UCharlotte Dooley

RMH The Art white letter vibrant red.png
Tinnitus by Norb Lisinski (The Art page).jpeg
RMH The Art white letter vibrant red.png

by  Norb Lisinski

Here is a painting and the concept study for a "mental health" themed piece. This piece has a number of elements in it that for me help to illustrate how one may feel at a low point in a personal struggle. I titled this one "Tinnitus". The figure in the drawing is feeling helpless which is evident with their fetal posture. The broken glass represents the shattered hope that often accompanies a struggle with tinnitus, and also vertigo, which often accompanies tinnitus. The enlarged ear is representative of the heightened sensitivity to the noises in your inner ear that the central nervous system amplifies when a person is under constant stress. The suggestion of a brain image also is representative of how tinnitus has to do with our brains interpretation of our inner well being. I've heard about other people's personal struggles with tinnitus where it's ringing so loud that they can't hear their phone ring. When one first experiences it, a feeling of anxiety can envelope you as you are not sure what is going on. Over time and research we learn that the main focus with tinnitus is to get the parasympathetic nervous system relaxed which takes focus and practice. There are times it can be very quiet but at other times it can spike depending on the level of stress you are experiencing.


This piece won the First Place Award at the Ontario Shores ‘Celebrating a Century of Care"‘ Juried Art Show. Juror’s comment: "A marvellous high realist masterpiece with a unique composition and wonderfully placed figurative element combined with shattered graphic dissonance that masterfully illustrates the chosen theme."


Dimensions: 18” x 24”

Medium: Acrylic on Masonite


Pencil Study
Dimensions: 7.25" x 10.75"

Medium: Pencil on Yupo Paper

Get Mental Health Help

Lokhu kungaba WENA!!

Unocezu lobuciko ongathanda ukwabelana ngalo?

Kungaba umdwebo/umdwebo/

ipensela elinemibala noma umdwebo wamalahle njll.

Mental Health Help Blogs

Lokhu kungaba WENA!!
Unocezu lobuciko ongathanda ukwabelana ngalo?
Kungaba umdwebo/umdwebo/ipensela elinemibala noma umdwebo wamalahle njll.

Yabelana ngomsebenzi wakho njengendlela yokuxoxa indaba yakho yezempilo yengqondo ukuze abanye bayibone futhi baphulukise kuyo. Ingasetshenziswa ukukhombisa noma yimuphi umzwelo onawo. Ubuciko buyindlela enhle yokudlulisa umlayezo ongasiza omunye.

Creative Ways to Promote Mental Health

Kulungile Ukungalungi

I-Rocking Mental Health iyindawo enethezekile ngathi sonke ukwabelana ngayo nakho kwethu. 


Kuvezwa ngendlela oyikhethayo, noma ngabe amavidiyo, ama-Podcast, Amabhulogi, Umculo, Ubuciko, Izincwadi, nokuningi, sihlala sibheke ukwengeza imibono emisha. Masisakaze ukuqwashisa ngempilo yengqondo ndawonye.

Unentshisekelo yokwabelana ngokuqukethwe kwakho? Ngithumele umlayezo! 

Singathanda ukwabelana ngobuhlakani bakho!

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